Managing Emotions with Executive Coaching (Emotional Intelligence)

You are a strong leader. You are looking for opportunities for further promotion, mind set firmly on reaching a goal. Great stuff.

Then an issue arises. It could be anything. Perhaps an employee or colleague has begun to act differently. Or perhaps you have.

Unwanted Change

A drop in motivation occurs. Stress is in the air. Mistakes are made. Performance plummets. You are being affected by this and so is everyone else. You plod on, nervously skirting around the issue, hoping for the best.

After a while, you feel like a French Fry boiling in oil a bit too long. Frazzled.

Executive coaching

A simple solution to help you and your team to manage your emotions effectively, and in positive ways is executive coaching. When you understand why you or a member of your team is feeling or acting in a certain manner, energy can be used in a much more productive way. This can help relieve a situation that is becoming at best, a strain, at worst, intolerable.  

Emotional wellbeing embodies a wide range of areas. Self-awareness is one of them. A coach can help you to focus on your actions, thoughts, or emotions with a streamlined approach to the benefit of all. By understanding how others perceive you, aligning your behaviour with your emotions will help you to evaluate yourself more objectively.

Zoom in

Your social skills will improve. Your become better self-regulated, monitoring, and managing your energy and emotions in ways that are acceptable to others. If a member of the team is not working to a good standard, it will not help by getting frustrated or annoyed. By working with an executive coach, you can learn to develop mindfulness. By listening and showing empathy, you will diffuse potential conflict.

Good interpersonal and communication skills have never been so important with the recent emphasis on Zoom. The barrier of a screen can be a challenge. A trained coach will have the skills and experience to support you through a difficult time and help you to nurture resilience. They will get to know you behind a computer, tablet, or phone.

A coach is not there to criticise or be judgemental. It is about mutual respect, an intelligent learning curve…and enjoying the French Fries, nicely cooked.


If you would like coaching support to help you succeed in a difficult world, whether life coaching, b2b or individual support as an employee or sole trader, please get in touch for an initial free 30minute consultation:, or

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