What is etiquette ?

Modern etiquette is about being thoughtful, friendly, and polite. It has nothing to do with the manners of upper-class ladies and gentlemen. Showing kindness to others and being aware of their feelings helps people to feel comfortable in your presence.
When you understand how to behave and conduct yourself in different environments with respect and integrity, people feel instantly at ease, transforming atmosphere.
Combined with good manners, etiquette helps people from different social groups get along with one another. This is particularly important where a mix of different cultures means there is often an inherent set of rules or customs which control accepted behaviour. Etiquette means giving quiet but meaningful consideration to an individual’s background which will automatically govern conduct, behaviour, and win friendship.
With etiquette there is no room for discourteous behaviour or dismissing someone simply because their culture is different from your own.
Etiquette is not limited to social scenarios and in contrast to manners, it includes vocal or physical expression. It is a valuable skill to possess in business and travel.
When you practice good etiquette, you will have the confidence to interact in a diverse range of situations in life, imparting that confidence to others. In so doing, you will also gain an important life skill, whilst making others feel welcome in your presence.
If you are not familiar with the unwritten rules of etiquette, an etiquette course can help you master the essentials. Full training can be given in a supportive and engaging school environment.